Ahmed, A.Adewara, A. A.2023-06-222023-06-222017https://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng/handle/20.500.12484/11227In this paper, efficiency of Audu & Adewara ([AA17]) two-phase factor-type estimators with two auxiliary variables for estimating finite population mean were examined using simulation. These estimators were obtained by incorporating some known functions of auxiliary variables X and Z in some existing factor-type estimators. Bias and Mean square error (MSE) of these estimators, yb1(d)FTAA and yb2(d)FTAA were obtained using tailor’s series expansion. Audu & Adewara ([AA17]) revealed that although yb1(d)FTAA and yb2(d)FTAA, have minimum MSE and high PRE than all other related existing factor-type estimators considered using three life dataset but of these two, which is more efficient and most preferred. The simulation results obtained in this study revealed that yb2(d)FTAA is more efficient than yb1(d)FTAA and hence, most preferred.enFactor-type estimator, Two-phase sampling, Mean square error (MSE), Efficiency.EFFICIENCY OF AUDU & ADEWARA ((2017)) TWO--PHASE FACTOR--TYPE ESTIMATORS WITH TWO AUXILIARY VARIABLES IN SAMPLE SURVEYArticle