Alabi, AbdullahiAmeen, AbdullateefArinze, Okpala2024-05-022024-05-022016Alabi, A., Ameen, A. & Arinze, O. (2016). Evaluation of planning strategies for development administration. Ilorin Journal of Administration and Development Studies. 2 (1): 35-44.2536-7358 any country aspiring development, there must be robust plans that will lead her into the Promised Land. Since Nigeria got her political independence in 1960, efforts have been made by political leaders, both the military and civilian government, to introduce a lot of planning strategies to achieve national development. These include the short-term, medium and long-term planning, such as the five year plans, rolling plans and vision 2010, 2015, 2020, SEEDS, NEEDS and even the transformation Agenda. The features of these plans were centred on poverty reduction, unemployment, national integration, political and economic self-reliance, rural-urban development and agricultural development; but the problem here is that little or nothing was achieved among these plans. Why? Findings of this study revealed that lack of political will, corruption, and lack of data bank, insufficient machinery and technology to take care of the programmes were responsible for failure. It therefore proffered some solutions to ameliorate the problems encountered in the implementation of the plans. The paper adopted qualitative research method and relied on secondary data from textbooks, journals, and the internet.enPlanning StrategiesDevelopment AdministrationPoverty reductionNational integrationEvaluation of planning strategies for development administrationArticle