Agubosi, Lydia AkunnaAyedeeinu, OmowunmiFashina, Abiola YetundeSunday Evaristus, ABONYI2023-05-092023-05-092021 study examined motivational needs of students in Ogun state . Influence of age, gender and class type were examined. Descriptive survey was adopted. Population consisted secondary students in Ogun state. 200 students were sampled. Instrument tagged ‘Motivational Needs of Secondary School Students (MNSSS)’ was used. Reliability coefficient of 0.74 was established. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to analyze data. Hypotheses were tested at 0.05 alpha. Findings showed that students need motivation to: devote time for study, have good study habit, be creative, etcetera. No significant difference existed in motivational needs based on gender,significant differences existed based on age and class type. It is recommended that prize giving day, conducive atmosphere and various teaching methods be adopted in school.enMotivationNeedSecondary SchoolStudentsMOTIVATIONAL NEEDS OF SECONDARY SCHOOL STUDENTS IN OGUN STATE, NIGERIAArticle