ABDULAZIZ, IsiakaBALOGUN, AbdulrasaqABDULAZIZ, I. Ph.D, BALOGUN, A. O. Ph.D, IYEKOLO.AO Ph.D and AKINTOLA, M.IYEKOLO, Alexander OlusholaAKINTOLA, Mubarak2019-10-302019-10-302014079447684http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/3184Across the globe, school is regarded as a safe place for children. This is an important aspect that is put into consideration when parents entrust their children to teachers. However, schools are not entirely a safe haven for children. On this basis, this study examined the opinion of teachers on the prevalence, causes and prevention strategies of violence against girls in Lagos schools, Nigeria. The study adopted descriptive survey method and employed multi-stage sampling technique to select 384 teachers from 128 senior secondary schools in Lagos State, Nigeria. Mean rating was used for the three research questions raised in this study. A researchers’-designed questionnaire was used as the instrument and tagged Violence against School Girls’ Forms, Factors and Prevention (VASGFFP) with a content and face validity and reliability index of 0.78. Findings revealed that sexual assault, obligatory chores for teachers, rape, verbal abuse and corporal punishment are the major types of violence against girls. It also revealed that lack of parental attention as a result of broken home, poverty, school rules that permit the use of corporal punishment are the major causes of violence against girls in schools. Findings also revealed that symposium against the use of violence against girls, introduction of curriculum content on violence against girls and involvement of Parents Teachers Association are the major prevention strategies identified by teachers. On the basis of the findings, the study recommended that periodic symposium should be organized to keep learners, teachers, school administrators and parents informed on the consequences of violence against girls in school in order to mitigate its occurrence.enFemale studentsSchool-Based ViolenceConsequencesPrevention StrategiesOPINION OF TEACHERS ON THE FORMS, FACTORS AND PREVENTION OF VIOLENCE AGAINST GIRLS IN SECONDARY SCHOOLS IN LAGOS STATE, NIGERIAArticle