Durotoye, IdayatOdunola, RAdeyemi, Oluwapelumi OlufemiAkanmu, ABolarinwa, OAdeboye, OAbdullahi, ABolajoko, ZDurosinmi, WAdebisi, GAduloju, V2021-08-242021-08-242020Durotoye I., Odunola R., Adeyemi O., Akanmu A., Bolarinwa O., Adeboye O., Abdullahi A., Bolajoko Z., Durosinmi W. and Adebisi G., Aduloju V. (2020). Pertinent Roles of African Higher Institutions in The COVID-19 Pandemic Response: The University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria; An African Model. International Journal of Health Planning and Management. 35(5):1257–1259https://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng/handle/20.500.12484/6258Letter To The EditorenPertinent Roles of African Higher Institutions in The COVID-19 Pandemic Response: The University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria; An African ModelArticle