Sikiru, Ismaeel AbiodunOyekunle, R. A.2023-06-132023-06-132021-122714-2450 is not the only proof for human race to understand the drastic effect of disease. a bid to better the health sector, Hospital Management System (HMS) is enforced by the posed a lot of challenges to this sector. Therefore, there is an urgent need to salvage the pandemics break out. Unfortunately, the state of hospitals in Nigeria is highly pathetic. In quality, healthcare safety, and time management. The system design of the proposed web based HMS was executed using PHP, jQuery, JavaScript, Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), The present experience of different pandemics in the 21stcentury is a crystal clearproof. system by fully automating it. This research work proposed a Web-based HMS using a assures the three major stakeholders in the health sector -patients, health staff, and proposed Webbased HMS was designed, developed, and tested to show its effectiveness Understandably, hospital and other health centres remain the haven whenever the and HTML. Sublime Text 3 and Visual studio code were used for the design of the management a platform to effectively communicate with a click of button. Also, the most of the hospitals found in our survey territory, Ilorin metropolis of Kwara state, Ebola, COVID-19 pandemics among others are not far from our memory. mobile application, which makes it ubiquitous and cost effective. This proposed system stakeholders in the health sector as a remedy. However, to the best of our knowledge, system would facilitate patient satisfaction, hospital efficiency, healthcare services Nigeria, are either operating HMS manually or partly automated. This deployment has interface. While MySQL workbench was used to design most part of the database. The when deployed.enWeb-based HMS, System, Automated health system, HMS, Hospital Management PandemicsWeb-Based Hospital Management SystemArticle