Olatunji, Samson Olusola2024-04-262024-04-262019-03Olatunji, S.O. (2019). Age and Gender as Correlates of English Language Teachers’ Disposition to Computers for Pedagogy in Southwestern Nigeria. Journal of Capital Development in Behavioural Sciences, 7(1), 102-118.eISSN: 2449-0679; pISSN: 2354-3981https://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng/handle/123456789/12943The study determined the relationships of age and gender with English Languge teachers’ disposition to the use of computers in western Nigeria. A total of 240 teachers were sampled through stratified random sampling. A twenty-four-item self-constructed questionnaire titled Language Teachers’ Computer Attitudes Questionnaire (LTCAQ) was used for data collection. Copies of the instrument that yielded 92.4 Cronbach alpha were administered to the teachers. Only 217 of the 240 copies were returned and the data obtained were subjected to frequency counts, percentages and chi-square statistical tools to answer one research question and test two null hypotheses. The findings showed that the teachers generally had positive disposition to computers, gender had significant relationship with the teachers’ disposition to computers while age did not. It was concluded that with more advocacy, the teachers can be helped to translate their positive disposition to extensive actual use of the facility. It was then recommended that government should help teachers to easily acquire computers. English Language teacher education programmes should adequately prepare pre-service teachers for effective and efficient deployment of computers for language teaching.enHUMANITIES and RELIGION::Languages and linguisticsSOCIAL SCIENCES::Statistics, computer and systems sciencedispositionINTERDISCIPLINARY RESEARCH AREAS::Gender studieslanguage teacherspedagogyAge and Gender as Correlates of English Language Teachers’ Disposition to Computers for Pedagogy in Southwestern NigeriaArticle