Olatunji, Samson2021-11-102021-11-102020-07Olatunji, S.O. (2020). Cultural appropriateness; the missing link between computer-assisted language instruction and improved students’ performance in Nigerian schools. Journal of International Association of Language Educators. Special Edition, 15-27https://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng/handle/20.500.12484/6846Literature is replete with testimonies of impressive positive difference that the deployment of computer software makes in language teaching and learning in several countries of the world. However, using computer software to teach English Language in Nigeria is, put mildly, not a common practice. Engagement of extant literature shows that most known computer software in the market and currently in use for language instruction were designed and developed in countries other than Nigeria, especially in climes where English is first language. This poses a question of cultural appropriateness of such software to the peculiarities of the second language situation of the Nigerian learner. This study thus advocates collaboration among teachers and researchers in the English language as a second language as well as other stakeholders in the teaching and learning of the language in Nigeria towards the production of a plethora of computer software for English Language learning that will be culturally appropriate without alienating the users from the benefits of much needed international intelligibility.encultural appropriatenesscomputer-assisted language instructionsustainable developmentCULTURAL APPROPRIATENESS; THE MISSING LINK BETWEEN COMPUTER-ASSISTED LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION AND IMPROVED STUDENTS’ PERFORMANCE IN NIGERIAN SCHOOLSArticle