Falola, A.Adewumi, M. O.2019-10-172019-10-17201335. Falola, A. & Adewumi, M. O. (2013): Impact of mobile telephony on technical efficiency of farmers in Nigeria. Journal of Sustainable Development in Africa, 15(6):86 – 100. Published by Clarion University of Pennsylvania, Clarion, Pennsylvania. Available at http://www.jsd-africa.com/Jsda/Vol15No6-Fall2013B/PDF/Impact%20of%20Mobile%20Telephony.Abraham%20Falola.pdfhttp://hdl.handle.net/123456789/2714This study assessed impact of mobile telephony on technical efficiencyof farmers in Nigeria. The study stemmed from the need to achieve sustainable agricultural production through meeting the presnet food needs of Nigerians without compising the ability of the future generations to meet their own needs. Specifically, the research examined the socio-economic charateristics of the farmers, prevalence of use of the technology by farmers, technical efficiency of the farmers as well as the relationship between the use of mobile telecommunications services and technical efficiency of the farmers. Primary data obtained from 170 farmers were used for the study. The tools of analysis used were the descriptive statistics, Krusckal-Wallis One-way ANOVA, the stochastic frontier model and correlation analysis. The study reveals a positive relationship between mobile telephony and the farmers’ technical efficiency. However, majority of the farmers were not members of any agricultural association and had no access to extension services through which they could be trained on the inherent benefits of using the technology for farm activities. Therefore, the study recommends massive building of stable mobile network in the study area, enlightenment of the farmers on the use of the mobile telephony for agricultural activities and formation of viable association by the farmers.enMobile telephonyfarmerstechnical efficiencyrelationshipprevalenceImpact of mobile telephony on technical efficiency of farmers in Nigeria.Article