Afolayan, Oluyinka Titilope2021-06-172021-06-172020-02Journal of Information Science, Systems and Technology, 4(1), 68-79 creation, sharing and use for research, teaching, learning and societal interventions is what Higher Education Institutions (HEI) are about across the world. However, HEI usually focus mostly on the production, publishing and use of explicit knowledge products, and often sub-optimally on the sharing and use of tacit knowledge. In view of this, this paper explored the role of tacit knowledge sharing in HEI in Nigeria, and how the institutions can improve their identification and use of available internal tacit knowledge resources. The methodology adopted was a literature search and discussion as basis for proposing a framework for action. This paper discusses the nature of tacit knowledge, institutional environment conditions for successful tacit knowledge transfers, as well as techniques for facilitating maximal use of tacit knowledge in HEI. An actionable framework for matching potential tacit knowledge transfer channels with tacit knowledge sources and recipients is proposed and discussed. This paper concludes that Nigerian HEIs need to embrace knowledge management tenets for the proper management and utilization of tacit knowledge, recommendations are provided towards achieving that objective.enTacit KnowleadgeKnowledge SharingUniversitiesNigeriaA Framwork for Action to improve Tacit Knowledge Sharing in Nigeria's higher Education InstitutionsArticle