Ajayi, Michael Adebayo2021-03-022021-03-022013http://hdl.handle.net/123456789/4398Studies of ATM usage by household-head in developing countries are often a difficult effort considering the complexity of variants affecting household spending. This paper investigates the use of ATM in Nigeria. Sixty-six social-economic variables were selected in the study. The factor analysis method reduces the Sixty-six variables to nine orthogonal factors. The result of the stepwise regression method identified four factors: Household Acceptability Index (HAI = 65.2 ); Household Time Spent in Withdrawing Money (HTSWM =14.5); Household Source of Income Index (HSY = 13.3) and Household Perception on ATM Machine Performance (HPAMP= 4). All of this together contributes 97 explanation to household ATM usage in the study area. These four factors are relevant to sustainable cashlite economy being implemented in phases by the federal government of Nigeria.enHouseholdATMPayment SystemCashliteDetermiannts of Household-Head Usage of Automated Teller Machine (ATM) in a Transition EconomyExample from NigeriaArticle