Olatunji, Samson Olusola2024-05-052024-05-052019Olatunji, S.O. (2019). Diversity, Equity and inclusion in Higher Education: Language as an Often Neglected Factor. In Administration and Education for Sustainable Development, pp. 142-151.978-978-987-348-7https://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng/handle/123456789/13677The paper discusses diversity, equity and inclusion as crucial topics in today's world that can be rightly described as a global village. It further asserts that linguistic inclusion and equity must be ensured to facilitate academic achievement, boost national economies, satisfy political necessities, contribute to national safety and security, and achieve other conditionality for sustainable development.englobalisationsafety and securitylanguage attitudelanguage in educationlanguage for educationDiversity, Equity and inclusion in Higher Education: Language as an Often Neglected FactorBook chapter