Onuora-Oguno A.C2021-06-032021-06-032011Onuora-Oguno A. C.: (2011) My Witness Becomes Hostile!! National and Supra National Criminal Justice Systems examined, Madonna University Law Journal; 1, 70-93, Faculty of Law Madonna University, Okija, Nigeria.https://uilspace.unilorin.edu.ng/handle/20.500.12484/5841Judicial bodies are established with responsibilities of ensuring justice and bringing defaulters to face the consequences of their breach of the law. However, an accused person can only be found guilty through the statement of witnesses. Evidence is the prime basis for any successful or unsuccessful law suit; criminal or civil. Judicial evidence is used to prove either facts in issue, or facts from which facts in issue may properly be inferred. Both parties to a law suit reserves equal rights to call witnesses through whom they seek to establish evidence in support of their cases. It is trite to state that a case is not grounded by the number of witnesses called by either parties rather on the weight attached to the admissible statements of witnesses. Witnesses are described as the eyes and ears of justice. In any criminal matter both parties are allowed to call witnesses. The witness are subsequently examined in chief by the party calling them, crossed examined by the opposing party and if need be re-examined by the part calling them. As a matter of procedure, all the above procedures regarding a witness must be exhausted before a case is closed.enInternational Criminal CourtEvidenceMy Witness Becomes Hostile!! National and Supra National Criminal Justice Systems examinedArticle